Wednesday, December 19, 2007

If this is where we look, then...

It's no wonder our world and culture are screwed up so badly if this is where we look for advice. Apparently Britney Spears' mom, Lynne Spears, thinks she did a pretty good job in the parenting department. Of course I'm not one to blame parents for everything their children do, but at some point you have to say "huh".

Yes this is the same Britney Spears you have read and heard about who is such a stellar parent herself that her kids have been taken from her and
She gets to visit them still as long as she submits to twice weekly drug tests and sees a "parenting coach". Presumably the coach will not be her mother Lynne Spears.

Now the book is on "hold" since Jamie Lynn Spears, Britney's sister, is pregnant at 16 years old. Perhaps the book should be put out, as long as its premise is "Here's what I did, don't make the same mistakes." Now that's one we could use. It would be refreshing. I might even buy it.

Maybe not.

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